Gosh, but you readers of romance are passionate devotees of the whirlwind love-affair, aren't you? (Don't know why that should surprise me).
So to continue on the wedding theme, here is a photo of the bride's bouquet - which I caught. Yes, I know. And yes, there were loads of beautiful young girls milling around....but when I saw the fragrant spray of blooms arcing through the air towards me - I just couldn't help myself and clicked straight into competitive mode.
It was a real Chariots Of Fire moment: I was the goal attack in the school netball team again. The mother at the school sports-day who charges forward like a bat out of hell. I leapt into the air (even the memory seems to be in slow-mo) and grasped the cream-ribboned stems with ease.
How I love traditions.

And here - because England is currently the grip of what is known as a "cold snap" (which always sounds like a drink from Russia) - I will illustrate the glorious frostiness of the eight mile walk I took this morning. Heavenly. And providing just the right kind of inspiration for the new book, which I'm starting this week.