Friday, 29 April 2011


Today, a flag-filled land came to a complete halt to watch the wedding of one of its favourite sons.....

Wasn't it lovely?
(But look at the bridesmaid's face!)

Friday, 22 April 2011


This week I've given two royal romance workshops in the fabulous Yumchaa tea-shop in Camden. They were attended by a lively and inspirational bunch of participants, which meant that the sessions were fun and (I hope) - helpful to all.

There was also a lone male journalist present, who wrote about his experience for the Evening Standard - and you can read a short version here

The workshop was filmed by the BBC for the popular ONE SHOW - but I have no idea how to include the video on this site.
I love the hyper-hyper feeling of losing touch with reality which being on telly produces - and it's quite gratifying when your mates are telling you that they've seen you in the paper.
But it's all rather time-consuming and I've suddenly realised that I have a book to write before I head off to Tuscany for my annual creative writing course.
So while I think about Hassan and Ella - why don't you tell me what you've been doing in your corner of the world?

Thursday, 14 April 2011


Then make your way down to Camden Town on Monday, 18th April - where I'll be giving a workshop which will tell you exactly how to do that.
It'll be in the gorgeous Yumchaa Tea Rooms - where you may remember that I did an interview recently.
You'll be able to drink a delicious cup of royal tea..... Yum! (Chaa!)
And you'll get the chance to craft the outline for your own royal love story.

What's the difference between a normal romance and a Royal Romance, I hear you asking? (You mean apart from jewels which aren't fake, oodles of tradition and all the attendant protocol?).

Well, I think it's because it takes the Cinderella story about as far as it can go - and that's one of the reasons why the books are so popular. It is, if you like - the ultimate love-story.

The tricky bit is making sure that your hero and heroine really and truly love one another - that he cares about her enough not to bother about the fact that she hails from a council house with an outside loo. And that she loves him for who he is, and not because he's got a title and a palace.

So come along and learn lots and join in the fun.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Just back from Lanzarote - completely knackered, and looking a sort of streaky walnut colour - to discover that the book featuring my FIRST EVER RUSSIAN HERO is at No. 1 on the Mills & Boon chart!
And again.......
Here's the jacket photo of TOO PROUD TO BE BOUGHT.
Lovely, isn't it?

I'll post some Canarian photos later (I seem to have taken a lot of close-ups of pigeons) - after I have given my Sheikh another tweak.

Meanwhile, where have YOU been this week?