Sunday, 18 November 2012


Another cutesy Christmas cover has arrived - this time from Sweden.

I love it.  Although as I recall, the couple were reaching the end of their relationship during the festive season (as so often happens!).  They certainly weren't gazing at each other in a dreamy-eyed way like that.  If you're interested in the English language version it's called SHAMEFUL SECRET, SHOTGUN WEDDING

And if anyone out there speaks Swedish, I'd love to know what "Lynbryllup" translates as.


  1. Are you sure it comes from Sweden?

    The title is Danish or also Norwegian - it's a mix between LYN (thunder) and BRYLLUP (wedding)...and it can be translated with "fast wedding" or something similar.
    In fact, the English title contains SHOTGUN WEDDING. I love these languages - am trying to study them by myself. The cover is really lovely and I remember the book very well. x

  2. Thanks, Michela - lots of people have said this.
    What a clever lot you all are!
