Saturday, 4 October 2014


You write a book.  You struggle and curse as you attempt to get the tortured emotions of your hero and heroine onto the page and help them work out the stuff which is keeping them apart.  But when you press *send* and deliver your manuscript to your editor - your story is pretty much out of your hands.

You can send in a detailed form, saying how you imagine your characters will look and what you'd like the setting of the cover to be, but it's very much the imaginative baby of the artwork team.  As it should be, because they're the experts.

I've just received the UK cover of CHRISTMAS IN DA CONTI'S BED - and I love it.  Niccolo is one of the Sultan of Qurhah's three great mates.  The other two are the deliciously naughty  Luis Martinez - and the Greek billionaire Alek Sarantos, whose story is coming out in April, 2015.

But back to Niccolo.
He's intense.
He's sexy.
And Alannah's expression tells us that she's knows what a lucky girl she is.
Or is she?

This is a picture which tells a story.
What does it tell you?


  1. I totally love this cover Sharon!

  2. Thanks, Rachael. I wonder what's in that diamond-decked red satin pouch… :-)
